Maurizio Atzeni

atzenimaurizioCEIL CONICET
Saavedra 15 6º piso
C1083ACA Buenos Aires, Argentina




Doctor en Industrial and Business Studies, Warwick Business School, University of Warwick (2005)
Magister in Development Studies (Employment and Labour Relations), Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, Netherlands (1999)
Magíster in Relaciones Industriales, University of Cagliari, Italy (1998)
Licenciado (Laurea) en Derecho laboral, Universidad de Cagliari, Italia (1997).

Actividades profesionales

Investigador Adjunto del CONICET en el programa Trabajo y empleo urbanos del CEIL
Becario Marie Curie International Outgoing fellowship de la Union Europea en el CEIL y en la Loughborough University, Reino Unido

Líneas de investigación

La multiplicación del trabajo, la precariedad y el problema de la organización y representatividad de los trabajadores

Proyectos de investigación

La organización de los trabajadores precarios en Buenos Aires,   Marie Curie International Outgoing fellowship (2012-2015)


Atzeni Maurizio, Azzellini Dario, Mezzadri Alessandra, Moore Phoebe y Apitzsch Ursula (Eds.) (2023). Handbook of Research on the Global Political Economy of Work. Reino Unido: Edward Elgar.

Atzeni Maurizio y Sacchetto (2023). Locating labour conflict and its organising forms in contemporary times: between class and the reproduction of capitalism. Global Labour Journal 14 (3).

Atzeni Mauricio (2022). Acción colectiva, movilización y solidaridad en la Fiat y Renault de Córdoba (1996-1997), Villa María: Eduvim. ISBN: 9789876997331

Atzeni Maurizio,  Elbert Rodolfo , Marticorena Clara, Montero Bressán Jerónimo y Soul Julia (eds.) (2021). Clase, proceso de trabajo y reproducción social: ampliando las perspectivas de los estudios laborales, Buenos Aires: CEIL libros.

Atzeni Maurizio, Ness Immanuel (eds) (2018), Global Perspectives on Workers’ and Labour Organizations, Springer Singapore, DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-7883-5

Atzeni, M.  (2016), Capitalism, workers organising and the shifting meanings of workplace democracy, Labor HistoryVol. 57, Iss. 3

Atzeni, M. (2016), Beyond trade unions’ strategy? The social construction of precarious workers organizing in the city of Buenos Aires, Labor History, Vol. 57, Iss. 2

Atzeni, M. (2013), Workers and Labour in a Globalised Capitalism: Theoretical perspectives and Contemporary Issues, Basingstoke: Palgrave- Macmillan, Management, Work and Organisations Series (Paperback)

Atzeni, M. y Ghigliani, P. (2013), The re-emergence of workplace based organisation as the new expression of conflict in Argentina, in Gall, G. New forms and expressions of conflict at work, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 66 – 85

Atzeni, M. (2012), Alternative Work Organisations, editor, Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan [más información]

Atzeni, M. (2010), Workplace conflict: mobilization and solidarity in Argentina, Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan [más información]

Atzeni, M. (2010), Conflict and repression in an Argentinean car factory: A cycle of resistance from a worker perspectiveWork, Employment and Society, 24:2, 366-374 [más información]

Atzeni, M. (2009), Searching for injustice and finding solidarity? A contribution to the mobilisation theory debate. Industrial Relations Journal, 40:1, 5–16. [más información]

Atzeni, M. and Ghigliani P. (2007), Labour process and decision-making in factories under workers’ self-management: empirical evidence from Argentina. Work, Employment and Society, 21:4, 653-672. [más información]